Energy Performance Certificates: What Estate Agents Need to Know

As a professional estate agent, you’ll know that Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations have been in place for some time, with the most recent updates occurring in April 2020.

However, for those unfamiliar with EPCs, let’s take a moment to ensure we’re all on the same page.

In short, an EPC grades the property’s energy efficiency from A to G (with ‘A’ being the most efficient). You must have a valid EPC if you’re selling or renting a property (this includes existing tenancies, not just new ones or renewals). An EPC is valid for ten years, and a visit from an accredited assessor is required to gain one.

Although this sounds like a lot of red tape, failure to comply could cost your vendor a £200 fine…which, needless to say, won’t reflect well on your firm.

So, with that said, let’s take a closer look at EPC listing regulations and what they mean for your agency.

When do you need an EPC?

According to the GOV website, a valid EPC is a legal requirement whenever a property is:

  • Built
  • Sold
  • Rented

Did you know? As an agent, it’s your responsibility to make sure your client’s property has an up-to-date EPC in place BEFORE marketing the property.

Why EPCs are important

As we’ve already hinted, vendors and landlords could face a fixed penalty charge of £200 – and if there’s one thing we all know vendors want… It’s to save themselves some cash. 

So, there’s a good chance they’ll be thankful you helped them remain compliant. 

Not only that but adhering to EPC regulations also demonstrates your agency’s commitment to professionalism, which goes a long way toward instilling confidence in your clients.

It’s interesting that 79% of estate agents predict an influx of buyers seeking properties with EPC ratings of C or higher. In response, 61% of agents have refreshed their marketing materials to give energy efficiency information a more prominent place. With 3 in 5 agents already adjusting their marketing strategy, you don’t want to get left behind!

Lastly, on the buyer’s side of things, EPCs empower them to pick their future home based on not only the aesthetic aspects of the property but also its long-term energy costs.

The bottom line: Complying with EPC stipulations is a win-win-win for everyone.

How to get an EPC

First, you have to go to the effort of finding whether the property has a valid EPC. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to find an accredited assessor to review your property and produce the certificate.

If you’re an agent familiar with this process, you’ll know it’s somewhat of a drain.

The solution

This is why PropertyBox launched its new ‘Automated EPC Lookup’ tool. 

All you have to do is confirm the address, and then, within a few clicks, we’ll locate the property’s EPC. 

There’s even a button that lets you download the EPC with just a click, enabling you to upload the EPC to your preferred property portal in no time!

Now, you can conveniently give vendors the choice of renewing their certificate, which works wonders for building trust and establishing yourself as a professional. 

If the EPC has expired, don’t worry; you can easily order a new one within PropertyBox for only £75+VAT.

Are you ready to save vendors £200?

Whether we like it or not, EPCs are a legal requirement with a noble aim. 

So, the question is, are you ready to embrace EPCs as part of your estate agency’s marketing strategy? 

With PropertyBox’s automated EPC lookups and ordering feature, ensuring vendors remain compliant has never been easier.

But don’t just take our word for it; try PropertyBox out for free today!