Help from PropertyBox – Streamlining EPC ordering for speed and value

get an EPC feature image

Despite Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s pause on net-zero reforms, property buyers and sellers continue to stress the importance of energy efficiency. 

As a result, energy performance certificates (EPCs) are now an integral (albeit mandatory) part of any estate agent’s marketing arsenal. 

In fact, in a recent study of house hunters, three-quarters said houses scoring an A or B EPC rating would be more appealing than less energy-efficient properties. 

This is no surprise, considering the rising cost of living. It stands to reason that in light of increasing utility costs, energy-efficient homes are more attractive than ever – and the stats bear this out.

Interestingly, half of buyers are considering properties with higher EPC ratings to reduce their utility bills- more specifically, 36% want to heat their homes for less during winter. 

The demand for energy-efficient houses is so prevalent that three-quarters of those looking to sell in the next year would consider making their home more energy-efficient to increase its value!

The figures are clear: buyers and sellers alike are interested in EPCs. 

So, as a savvy estate agent, how can you use this to your advantage?

Let’s find out:

Get an EPC: Streamline the ordering process

Not only are EPCs a legal requirement, but as we’ve seen, highly rated EPCs are excellent marketing collateral. 

So, the quicker you validate your client’s EPC rating and order an assessment (if necessary), the quicker you can publish your property listing to start attracting potential buyers for a speedy sale. 

So, what should you look for in a high-quality EPC ordering service?

In short, an efficient EPC status checker and ordering service should boast the following:

  1. Speed
  2. Cost-effectiveness
  3. Quality

Let’s explore each of these in turn (incidentally, we’re proud to say that PropertyBox offers all the below):

1. Speed

Speed should be at the heart of any first-rate EPC lookup and ordering service.

This could include:

  • Instant access to EPC statuses. 
  • Providing a user-friendly interface that’s quick to learn and easy to navigate
  • Being able to order a new EPC from the same centralised dashboard.
  • Speedy SLAs – for instance, contact with a qualified EPC assessor within 2 working days
  • Access to a nationwide network of qualified EPC assessors is imperative for faster bookings.
  • Having the option to quickly bill your client for the cost of the EPC – for example, sending a payment link directly to your vendor. 
  • A link to the property’s updated EPC within 24 hours of the EPC assessment.

2. Cost-effectiveness

In an ideal world, your EPC service should charge one price for all energy performance certificates. In other words, the price should stay the same no matter the property size. It goes without saying this makes it easier for your agency to budget.

For example, PropertyBox only charges £50+VAT per EPC, which, compared to its competitors, is remarkably inexpensive – for instance, Nichecom’s EPCs cost £75+VAT and Property Capture’s start from £60!

3. Quality

A reliable EPC lookup and ordering service will only work with qualified EPC assessors who have passed an accredited training course (like the Level 3 Certificate in Domestic Energy Assessment). 

That way, you can be confident the assessor will accurately evaluate the energy performance of your client’s property. 

What does PropertyBox offer?

PropertyBox understands the important role that speed, cost-effectiveness, and quality play in offering the best possible EPC lookup and ordering service.

With that said, let’s explore how easy checking a property’s EPC status is:

  1. From your PropertyBox workspace, click ‘Create new property’ and enter your client’s address.
  2. Click ‘Show me EPC.’
  3. View the property’s EPC, how long the certificate is valid for, and any recommended steps for improving the energy rating.
EPC example

PropertyBox retrieves this information in a matter of seconds. You can then download the EPC with just a click or order a new EPC for the property.

Similarly, ordering a new EPC from your PropertyBox workspace couldn’t be easier. Just follow the steps below:

  • Tell us the property’s address and the name of the person who will let the EPC assessor into the property.
  • Send a payment link directly to your vendor for the cost of the EPC (or bill it to your PropertyBox account).
  • Upon payment confirmation, we’ll appoint an EPC assessor.
  • Once the inspection is complete, we’ll share a link to the property’s new EPC within your PropertyBox workspace and via email within 24 hours.

Simple, right?

Are you ready to streamline your EPC ordering?

After reading this blog post, we hope you have better insights into streamlining your EPC lookups and orders for speed and value.

The solution?

Use an instant, reliable EPC lookup and ordering service like PropertyBox.

This is the easiest and quickest way to check the validity of your client’s EPC and order a new one (if necessary). Plus, you’ll benefit from other handy property marketing tools, like property photo enhancements, professional floor plan re-draws, and auto-generated property descriptions!

Sign up for a free Propertybox trial today to see for yourself!