Five ways to make your listings shine this New Year

Make your listings shine

The market outlook heading into the start of this year is certainly calmer. But with Zoopla reporting a ‘Boxing Day boost’ with a 42% increase in new listings compared to the same day in 2021 and Rightmove reporting a 20% jump in the number of buyer views, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic heading towards the spring selling season.

There will be big gains for agents who are willing to go the extra mile to ensure their listings stand out on the portals and win the click. Not only will professional-looking visual content help agents sell quickly and for the highest price, it will ensure they’re front of mind of prospective sellers too.

1. Professional photo enhancements will provide all the benefits of professional quality property photography, without the price tag. PropertyBox’s easy to use, instant photo enhancing tool provides blue sky replacement, vertical correction, brightness adjustment, shadow boosting and colour enhancement, with beautiful quality, professionally enhanced photos returned within seconds.

2. Professional floor plans help agents generate more leads, increase buyer interest and build a reputation for high-quality property marketing. Within just a couple of hours, a simple hand drawn sketch will be converted into a professional looking 2D plan, customised in the agent’s style, colours and branded with their logo, enabling them to benefit from up to 30% more enquiries from buyers and tenants.

3. Clutter-free photos help agents get the perfect shot by airbrushing eyesores such as wheelie bins, shampoo bottles, kitchen clutter and For Sale boards from property photos. Simply highlight any objects that need removing using an online pen, with an adjustable brush size for ease of use, then relax as our AI-driven Object Removal tool instantly airbrushes the eyesore and seamlessly backfills the space to march with the surroundings.

4. Estate agency branding on photos and floorplans helps agents grow their brand online and highlight their commitment to property marketing excellence. The online equivalent of a street full of For Sale boards, ensuring branding is clearly visible on the portals allows agents to promote their business and show potential sellers how much they care about the quality of their listings.

5. Upload between 8 and 15 photos when adding new listings to your website and the portals. This optimum number helps agents attract attention to the property and move a potential buyer onto the next step by making an enquiry. Between 8 and 15 high quality professional-looking photos will show off the listing to its full potential and give buyers plenty of information, but also leave them wanting more.

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