Picture the difference…

With 97% of all property searches starting online, house hunters are spoilt for choice when it comes to tracking down their dream home. 


And when they’re browsing, it’s pictures – rather than words – that grab their attention.


Let’s face it, we all know great-looking property pictures are crucial when it comes to clicks. And they’re equally important in persuading a prospect to take the next step and arrange a viewing. 


Professional-looking property photographs are even more important now that we’re all spending so much time on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. 


In fact, we’re all so used to seeing beautiful, professional-looking snaps, it’s become the norm. 


That means that if you’re trying to wow buyers using poor-quality imagery, it won’t impress and you and your vendors will almost certainly end up missing out. 


First impressions count! 


Research shows you have just a few seconds to make a good first impression, so it’s crazy to waste that opportunity with anything less than great pictures. 


And remember, the better and more eye-catching the images for your listings, the more you’ll impress not only your current vendors but anyone else thinking about putting their home on the market in the future. 


Your visuals could be what tip the scales in your favour, encouraging vendors to come to you rather than one of your rivals. 


If you’re still not convinced how much of a difference enhanced images make, take a look at these ‘before and after’ photos that have been given the PropertyBox treatment: 


As we know, positive online reviews are like gold dust and if your vendors are happy with the pictures, you’re using to market their home, not only will they notice, they’ll also tell others – online and in person. 


That translates into valuable word-of-mouth and referrals leading, ultimately, to more instructions. 


The other great thing about having the back-up of the PropertyBox service is that it’s a massive time-saver. 


Rather than spending hours and hours of your day editing photos, it leaves you free to spend more time getting your listings out faster and putting more effort into marketing them, so that you achieve a quicker sale at a higher price. 


And that’s a win-win for you – and your customers.